Sojourner's Zoom Sunday School Classes - 2022-23

Beginning September 11, 2022, we will be studying the "Other Books of the New Testament" or the catholic letters. They have also traditionally been called the Petrine epistles. Since none of these letters are addressed to a single named church, they are considered universal, or general, letters to the whole church. They were among the last of the literature to be settled on before the agreement of East an West in 367. These letters include:
  • 1 Peter - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)
  • 2 Peter - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)
  • 1, 2, 3 John - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)
  • Jude - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)
  • James - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)
  • Hebrews - (Recorded classes available below and on the BACC YouTube site.)

We will also incorporate a Psalm as our prayer before each class.


Books & Online Resources

Here are the books we will be using for our study:

  • The People's New Testament Commentary by M. Eugene Boring and Fred B. Craddock
  • Prayers for the God of my Life: Psalms for Monrning and Evening by Lisa Belcher Hamilton

Other Resoures:

Upcoming Classes

  • Happy Summer! We look forward to studying with you again in Fall 2023.

Links to Recorded Classes

Resources for Cathy, Sara and Susan

Bon Air Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Video Gallery