Bon Air Christian Church

BACC reaches out to
proclaim the Gospel,
Reaches up to worship God
and Reaches in to nurture and
grow in faith and love.

September 2024

Worship opportunities


  • 4:00 p.m. on-site at BACC


  • 8:45 a.m. - Worship Service at BACC and via Zoom
  • 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service at BACC and via Zoom


  • 10:00 a.m. - Adult Sunday School


  • 6:30 p.m. via Zoom

Interested in joining us on Zoom? Email for sign-in information.

View our archived ZOOM WORSHIP SERVICES & SUNDAY SCHOOL on our YouTube Channel.

Also, visit our BACC-DOC Facebook page for messages and sermons.


Online Giving Now Available
Or you can download the Givelify APP to make donations using your mobile device.

september Newsletter

september CALENDAR


“The notion that our lives are like the eternal cycle of the seasons does not deny the struggle or the joy, the loss or the gain, the darkness or the light, but encourages us to embrace it all—and to find in all of it opportunities for growth.”

— Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

As I write this, it’s about 95 degrees outside, which is making it hard for me to wrap my mind around a fall newsletter article. Summer isn’t anywhere near ready to give up the ghost. Nevertheless, we are looking ahead to fall, a season that makes us think about change. Leaves change color. Kids—and teachers—head back to school. The weekend after Labor Day, our worship service times change—back to two services on Sunday and a 4pm Saturday service.

Bon Air Christian Church has gone through a lot of change over the past few years. Some beloved members have moved away; others have passed on into glory. New people have joined our fellowship, meaning that in some way, we are a different community, even as we are in continuity with the church we have always been. The challenges of covid led to new ways of being together online, which we have continued to find meaningful even as we have also restored and revived our in-person gatherings. A new co-ministry arrangement; then the retirement of a beloved minister; now a search for an associate minister; all requiring flexibility in figuring out how we are in ministry and mission together.

That’s a lot of change, and change can be hard. But our scriptures do not promise us a life without change. What they do promise is that God is faithful; that God’s love is steadfast; and that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ is with us through all the seasons of our lives.

Will there be more change in the future? Most certainly! But we give thanks and praise for God’s faithfulness, and we keep our hearts fixed on the truths that do not change: God is love. Christ is with us. The Holy Spirit gives us life.

Grace + Peace,











Archived WORSHIP SERVICES are recorded and available on our YouTube Channel. Also, visit our BACC-DOC Facebook page for messages and sermons.

Zoom Worship Services - Sunday Mornings at 11:00 a.m.

Interested in joining us on Zoom? Email for sign-in information.

Online Giving Now Available


We hope you will join us at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday evenings for a half-hour of prayer and fellowship. We come together to lean upon each other, to share our hearts joys and concerns and to offer up to God our lives in faithfulness. Being together, even at a distance, is communion.  

Interested in joining us on Zoom? Email for sign-in information.

Sojourners Zoom Sunday School Classes

The Sojourners Sunday School Class will be studying the Gospel of John this year. Please join us beginning Sunday, September 8th in person at church or on Zoom!

Recordings of past Sojourner Bible Study Classes are available for you to watch on the Sojourners Sunday School page and on the BACC YouTube channel.

We look forward to continuing our study of the Good News, as given to us through Jesus Christ!

Bon Air Christian Church