Service opportunities
Many opportunities are available for you to provide leadership at BACC. Our committees include:
- Christian Education
- Membership
- Worship
- Property Building
- Property Grounds
- Church in Community
- Evangelism
- World Outreach
- Stewardship
- Office Equipment
- Personnel
Christian Education
It shall be the purpose of this committee to develop an effective program of religious education for the entire constituency of the church in keeping with the general objectives of Christian education. It shall be responsible for planning and administering the total education program of the church, including church school, youth activities, mid-week educational projects, leadership education, distribution of Christian literature and fostering Christian home life. It shall also cooperate with other groups of the church such as the World Outreach Committee in planning an education program.
It shall be the purpose of this committee to maintain the closest possible contact with the entire church membership to the end that each member may function effectively in the life of the church and to develop a spirit of comradeship and love within the congregation founded on a common love for Christ.
It shall be responsible for the pastoral oversight of the membership; assisting the clerk in keeping accurate up-to-date records; promoting visitation projects; calling on the indifferent, sick and unfortunate and organizing others to do likewise; providing an adequate program of social life for the church; supplying receptionists to welcome attendants at regular services and giving publicity to church life activities.
It shall be responsible, working cooperatively with the Evangelism Committee, for orienting new members into the life and fellowship of the church.
It shall be the purpose of this committee to lead the membership in a genuine experience of worship in the public services and to enrich personal and family devotional life. It shall be responsible for the public worship of the church, its pulpit supply, the administration of baptism and the Lord's Supper, music, ushering, midweek and special prayer services and the encouragement of the devotional life among individual members and homes of the church.
Property Building
It shall be the purpose of this committee to care for the building. It shall be responsible for keeping all property and equipment in proper condition, studying needs and making recommendations for improvements, superintending the work of the custodian and in cooperation with the Trustees, keeping the properties adequately insured against possible loss or damage.
Property Grounds
It shall be the purpose of this committee to care for the grounds. It shall be responsible for upkeep of the grounds (snow removal, grass cutting, shrubs and tree trimming). The committee shall be responsible for landscaping, maintenance of playground equipment and outside property equipment.
Church in community
It shall be the purpose of this committee to develop and promote programs of service and action between the church, the communities and world in which we live. It shall be responsible for coordinating community programs and encouraging members of the congregation to become more involved in these ministries.
It shall be the purpose of the Evangelism Committee to cultivate an evangelistic spirit within the church and to plan and administer the evangelistic program. It shall be responsible for developing an evangelistic church, sponsoring a year round program of evangelism which reaches into every age level and every phase of the church life, compiling a list of prospective members and planning and directing special evangelistic projects.
World Outreach
It shall be the purpose of this committee to create and foster a world vision within Bon Air Christian Church to lead in planning, promoting and supporting the world work of the church. This includes:
- Planning and promoting missions education in every department of the church
- Recommending the church's annual missions budget and special offering goals
- Sponsoring inter-faith activities and projects of social action
- Promoting conventions, conferences and retreats of the regional and general church
- Keeping records of all missions giving and action in the church
It shall be the purpose of this department to develop within the membership an understanding of the full meaning of Christian stewardship and so to direct the financial program of the church that it will not only supply the financial needs but prove a means of spiritual enrichment and character building for each one participating.
The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for keeping alive in the congregation the realization of its stewardship obligations, promoting stewardship education, supervising the preparation and subscribing of the church budget, keeping accurate records, providing for an annual audit of the records and encouraging endowments for future development in the church and the work.
Office Equipment
It shall be the purpose of this committee to make decisions pertaining to the maintenance and updating of the computer, printer, copier and other hardware, software and networks in the church office.
It shall be the purpose of this committee to make recommendations to the board pertaining to the conpensation and performance management of church staff.