Sojourner's Zoom Sunday School Classes - 2021-22
Here are some resources for our Sojourner's Zoom Sunday School classes.
Online Resources
- Book recommended for Study of Old Testament Book of Daniel - Daniel, C. L. Seow
- Imagine God's Limitless Love: A Covenant Conversation for Disciples (PDF)
- Covenants (The Bible Project) 5:45
- Biblical Covenants of God ( Rhett Creative) 8:16
- How 1st Century Jews Lived (pdf provided by Sara)
- The Future of the Church - Scroll down the page to locate the video called "Our Findings" (10:27)
Upcoming Classes
- Sunday school ends for the summer. See you in the Fall!
Links to Recorded Classes
Resources for Cathy, Sara, Bud and Susan
- Teaching Schedule (Google Doc)
- Prodedures for STARTING and ENDING Zoom Sunday School Classes (Google Doc)